Do With People, Not To People

In the pursuit of a more collaborative and inclusive approach to leadership, I have set an unofficial goal for this year that goes beyond the confines of my formal development plan. I have coined this goal as "Do With People, Not To People," a principle I am committed to despite the expectation of encountering setbacks along the way. While acknowledging the potential for failure, I view this aspiration as a noble endeavor that aligns with my values. In the event that I do stumble, my secondary objective is to foster strong relationships with my colleagues, to a point where open and candid discussions can transpire, ultimately strengthening our district over the long term. Recent one-on-one conversations with building administrators and district directors have shed light on a recurring theme: “do things with us not to us.” Essentially our leaders were asking for a larger voice in the process. This shared sentiment underscores the need for a delicate balance betwe...