Chicken or the Egg .....Vulnerability or Trust

Chicken or the Egg …. Trust or Vulnerability At some point the stars align! April 4, 2023 turned out not to be another normal day. I’m not sure what had gotten into me, but on this day I decided it was time for a wardrobe update. It was the first day in quite some time that I donned a sports jacket and collared shirt. It was a Tuesday and I was scheduled to attend a superintendent meeting at our area education agency. Having two board packets to complete over the next few days, I was sure that I would not be a gracious audience member. However, this morning Dr. Timothy D. Kanold caught my attention almost immediately. Dr. Kanold is an award winning author who works with Solution Tree and was here to discuss educator wellness . His newest book titled: Educator Wellness: A Guide for Sustaining Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Social Well-Being (Actionable Steps for Self-Care, Health, and Wellness for Teachers and Educators) was his focus. At some poin...