Consistency....The Holy Grail

This morning, while I was out for my usual walk, I was thinking about consistency. With December wrapping up, it’s that time when we all start thinking about our New Year's resolutions. For me, staying consistent has always been tough. Shedding weight always seemed feasible, but sustaining it? That's proven to be a real struggle over the years. Speaking of consistency, my last blog entry dates back to October, aiming for a monthly post.

I used to love riding my bike, clocking over 8,000 miles a year. But now? I can’t even get excited about a casual ride. I’ve always admired folks who seem to stay consistent with everything they do. Take my old coach, for example. He's about to retire but looks like he’s twenty years younger, always in good shape and strong in his faith.

So, what’s the secret to sticking with things? Why is it so hard?

  • One thing that’s clear is habits. Doing something regularly makes it easier over time. Once it becomes a habit, it doesn’t take as much effort to keep it going.

  • Then there’s motivation. It comes and goes. Relying only on motivation might not work out in the long run. Being disciplined, even when you’re not feeling motivated, helps you stick with things.

  • Setting goals that are doable is a big deal too. If your goals are too big, it’s easy to feel burned out. But setting smaller, achievable goals can make you feel like you’re making progress and keep you going.

  • Having people around who support you and help you grow is another thing. Being with others who are like-minded or having someone to guide and encourage you can make sticking with things much easier.

  • But maybe the most important thing to know is that it’s okay to mess up sometimes. Learning from those mistakes instead of letting them stop you is what keeps you going in the long run.

So, as we approach the New Year, I’ve come to realize that consistency isn’t just about keeping at it…  it’s not just about the end goal; it’s about how you grow along the way. One day at a time


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